lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

January 12, 2015

Use Creative words when writing –
Verb coordination
Legend has it that ….
Became friends.
Beautiful (find more creative words)

English homework
Page 28 Self Check#1 , 2 Answers Only# 3 write it outReview Module 2 for Exam Friday 

Science Unit 1 Section 2 Wordlist

Tongue – a mobile organ in the mouth
Colon – a part of the large intestine
Rectum – the final part of the large intestine ends in the anus
Esophagus – allows food to pass from the mouth to the stomach
Teeth – small pieces of bone used to cut aliments.
Pharynx – the soft part in rear of mouth, that connects the nose and mouth
Anus – the opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal
Gastric juices – acidic liquid produced by the stomach to degrade food
Absorption – normal accumulation by the tissues
Chyme – thick partially digested food leaves stomach goes into small intestine
Gland – an organ of the body that produces chemicals that influence activities such as growing and that have an important effect on health.
Duodenum – initial part of the small intestine
Waste – Excrement that the body doesn’t need
Feces – waste that comes out of the digestion system through the anus
Ilium – one part of the small intestine
Jejunum – one part of the small intestine
Pancreatic juice – clear alkaline secretion of the pancreas that is released into the duodenum and contains several digestive enzymes
Enzymesthe juice that organs make that produce a change in the body
Gall bladder – a muscular pear-shaped gland lying under the right lobe of the liver.
Bile – (adj=irritable) n. bitter yellow liquid excreted by the liver that helps in the digestion of fats.

Science homeworkSection 3,  4 word wordlist, exercises 

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