lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

23 de marzo

lengua -pag140  act 1,2,3,6,7,8y9
science-3 quiz question each section unit 5 with the answers of the questions 
mate-pag 118 act 29 y pag 119 act  37 y  40 
cambrige -solo para el pet - pag 23 el numero 2 

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

16 de marzo Deberes

English - pag 55 act 2 y 3 SB copy all 
Lengua - pag 132 act 1,4,5,6 y 8 
Science- 2 quiz questions for each section 1,2,and 3 ( except for section 4 ) and copy summary section 3 ( the summary of section 3 is in the blog ) 

wordlist section 3

Section 3 wordlist

Milky – white, pale or not transparent
Fold – an enclosed place
Alive – not dead
Glands – a cell or group of cells
Cylindrical-  having the form of a cylinder

Vesicle – a small sac or cyst

wordlist section 3

Section 3 wordlist

Milky – white, pale or not transparent
Fold – an enclosed place
Alive – not dead
Glands – a cell or group of cells
Cylindrical-  having the form of a cylinder

Vesicle – a small sac or cyst

section3 summary

Gametes - sperm cells system  penis,testicles scrotum external s.x.organs
vasdefenders,s vesicles prostate internal sex organs 
uretha carries semen  out of the body 
maturesat puberty sperm cell created then from testicles goes through tubes ( vd) 
to the vesicles prostate opens for the semen when if closes the urine exaculation - semen comes out of body take care of your genitals boys wash with soap 
girls wash with waterline 

Summary Section 3

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

12th of March, 2015

English - SB pag : 51 exercices 2 a and b copy all

mate - pag 119 32 ,33 , 34 y 42 
science-  section 3 wordlist 5 words and exercices 

summary section 2

worlist section 2

Section 2 wordlist

Birth – the instance of being born.
Fetus – a young animal before birth after the organs have started to develop.
Pregnant – when a woman has a fetus or zygote inside her.
Orifice – an opening in the body.
Internal – inside
Hollow – with nothing inside
Cycle – a circular schedule
Fertilize – to unite female and male sex cells.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015


activity holiday


adventure holiday














gap year










house swap


jeep safari


lecture tour




package deal


package holiday


R and R




safari holiday






special interest holiday




study tour


summer camp




walking tour


working holiday
